Women's Fellowship Breakfast
Join us on Saturday, November 9th @ 9AM for FELLOWSHIP, BIBLE STUDY, & BREAKFAST.
The subject will be compassion in weariness.
The disciples said, “Send them away. Let someone else tend to their needs. The hour is already late” (Matthew 14:15). The demands had grown too great, the expectations too high for the wearied disciples. Physical, mental, & emotional exhaustion was doing the talking now. But had they heeded it’s voice instead of Jesus’, they would have left with “emptier baskets” than when they began.
Bring your empty stomachs & your Bibles & be ready to be filled! Invite your family, friends, & neighbors! Young ladies, 9th grade & above are welcome to attend. Childcare will not be provided. There is no cost. GF/DF will be provided.
*If you are willing to help with Saturday preparations, see Veronica.
Hope to see you there,
Julie West