FLOURISH, Ladies' Spring Tea
10:00 AM10:00

FLOURISH, Ladies' Spring Tea

Join us on Saturday, April 19th from 10-12PM, at Calvary Chapel Alpharetta, for the annual Ladies’ Spring Tea. This year’s theme, FLOURISH: Living Abundantly Under God’s Authority, will be taught by Ashley Johnson from The Chapel in Cleveland, TN. Guest worship leader, Christy Beasley, will lead us in song.

Traditional tea fare, both sweet and savory, including gluten and dairy free options, will be served. Don't forget to wear spring attire: dresses, slacks, hats and gloves. And please invite your friends, family, co-workers, and neighbors. The gospel will be shared! The cost is $10 per attendee. Please register online HERE by Wednesday, April 16th. No childcare will be provided.


If you would like to help with this year’s event, table hosts and pâtissieres are needed! Please visit www.PerfectPotluck.com/JFUR8054 to sign-up.

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Youth Winter Retreat
to Feb 23

Youth Winter Retreat

  • Calvary Chapel Alpharetta (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Hunger & Thirst 
(Matthew 5:1-16)

February 21st-23rd

$110 per student which includes a sweatshirt!  (Students will need to bring extra cash for dinner Friday night and for personal expenses) 

 Students will meet at the church Friday, February 21st @ 3:30 PM

Pick up, at 12pm on Sunday.

Only 24 spots for students available.


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Comparing Christmas - RWAC Performance
3:00 PM15:00

Comparing Christmas - RWAC Performance

Click images for tickets or visit RWAC’s website for details

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Ladies' Christmas Social
6:00 PM18:00

Ladies' Christmas Social

Join us for our annual Ladies’ Christmas Social & Gift Exchange, Saturday, December 7th, at 6 PM.

Hot beverages will be provided, but please bring dessert and a wrapped gift around $20 (NOT a white elephant gift). Wear your Christmas sweaters and fuzzy socks.

This year we’ll be meeting at the Diven’s home. (Please see Denise and/or Julie for address)

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Thanksgiving Potluck
11:30 AM11:30

Thanksgiving Potluck

Join us after the service for our Thanksgiving potluck. The church will provide the ham and turkey. For this potluck to be a success we need you to bring appetizers, salads, side dishes, desserts and drinks. Please bring family-sized portions and label all allergens (dairy, gluten, eggs, nuts). Please sign up HERE.

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Women's Fellowship Breakfast
9:00 AM09:00

Women's Fellowship Breakfast


Join us on Saturday, November 9th @ 9AM for FELLOWSHIP, BIBLE STUDY, & BREAKFAST.

The subject will be compassion in weariness.

The disciples said, “Send them away. Let someone else tend to their needs. The hour is already late” (Matthew 14:15). The demands had grown too great, the expectations too high for the wearied disciples. Physical, mental, & emotional exhaustion was doing the talking now. But had they heeded it’s voice instead of Jesus’, they would have left with “emptier baskets” than when they began.

Bring your empty stomachs & your Bibles & be ready to be filled! Invite your family, friends, & neighbors! Young ladies, 9th grade & above are welcome to attend. Childcare will not be provided. There is no cost. GF/DF will be provided.

*If you are willing to help with Saturday preparations, see Veronica.

Hope to see you there,

Julie West

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Wiphan Warthog Waddle 5K
8:00 AM08:00

Wiphan Warthog Waddle 5K

Join us for the 3rd annual VIRTUAL Warthog Waddle 5K on Saturday, November 9th, 2024! Participate anytime, anywhere. Proceeds will go towards building new classrooms and  benefit the vulnerable orphans and widows in Kenya. Help us expand our school!

The t-shirts have sold out. You can donate here - Select “Designated Gifts - Kenya/Uganda” in the dropdown.

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Deep South Men's Conference  2024
to Oct 19

Deep South Men's Conference 2024

  • Calvary Chapel Lexington (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Friday, October 18th to Saturday, October 19th will be the 18th annual Deep South Men’s Conference.

The conference theme this year will be “Lessons for Life from I Peter.”

During each session we will be taught verse by verse through the book of I Peter. As we are taught through I Peter we will learn some great lessons for life on the living hope that we have through our relationship with Jesus Christ. We will also be challenged to live in holiness, love, and obedience in a world that is going the opposite direction.

Registration begins at 4 PM with a free cookout and the first session starting at 7 PM.

The conference will conclude by 3:30 PM Saturday.


1: You must register with CC of Lexington. The cost is $30.

2: Please REGISTER WITH US HERE so we know who is attending, and enable us to coordinate hotel rooms and carpools.

3: If you would like to stay at the hotel we have reserved, please pay HERE. We will be staying at Best Western Plus @ 601 Columbia Ave, Lexington, SC 29072. Hotel number is (803)356-0800. Deadline to reserve your room through CCA is Sunday, October 8th. We have 5 rooms with 2 Queen Beds each set aside. The cost is $82 per person.

You may also reserve your own hotel room & can find the hotels close to the conference on the brochure in the back of the sanctuary or on CC of Lexington’s Registration page. But please still fill out the form with us so we can get a head count of who will be attending.

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