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Please visit www.wiphan.org for an in-depth description of who Wiphan is and how they serve in Africa.


VISION: Through education and discipleship, widows and orphans will be Christ-centered contributors and influencers in their community.

MISSION: To disciple, educate and train widows and orphans to know who they are in Christ and to be able to support themselves and their families.

WIDOWS: Women, who are served by Wiphan, typically marry at a young age, many with less than a 7th grade education and without job skills or experience. Often women widowed by the HIV/AIDS pandemic are no longer recognized as part of the husband’s family. When this occurs all financial and material resources are confiscated (property grabbing) and returned to the deceased husband’s family leaving the widow homeless, destitute and hopeless. Many rely on neighbors or friends for provision, or may turn to illicit activities for income.

ORPHANS: Children, who are served by Wiphan, are considered to be single orphans if they have lost one parent through death/abandonment or double orphans if they have lost both parents.Life in the compounds can be difficult and dangerous for unprotected orphans due to physical and sexual abuse, child slavery and human trafficking. Relatives are expected to care for them, but are often struggling to support their own families.

HOW THEY SERVE: Wiphan employs Christians called to minister to the spiritual needs of widows and orphans through discipleship and Bible study. Orphans are educated in Wiphan schools or sponsored to attend government school. Their basic needs are met in a safe school environment, with nurturing teachers, medical care and a daily school lunch. Wiphan’s Computer Keyboarding, Hospitality and Jewelry Crafting skills programs result in a 90% job placement for graduates. Through skills training and discipleship, graduates are able to break the cycle of physical and spiritual poverty.

How CCA Supports Wiphan

Hospitality Skills Training for Zambia Widows: Monthly Financial Support since 2013; To date, over 500 women have graduated from this program.

Child Sponsorship for Kenya Orphans: Through CCA’s relationship with Christ Foundation Ministry and Pasuri in Kenya, Wiphan expanded their ministry into Kenya. The members of CCA individually support multiple orphans in Kenya.