Posts tagged #Tabernacle

Hebrews 9 :: Death & Life


Jesus is better.

As our Great High Priest, Jesus is the Minister of a better sanctuary and the Mediator of a better covenant based on better promises.

He is also a better sacrifice. With His own blood He has made the way into the Holiest of All, into presence of God for us. With His own blood He has provided remission. With His own blood He has put away our sin. With His own blood He has obtained eternal redemption. With His own blood he has cleansed our consciences from dead works to serve the living God. With His own blood He has put into force the better covenant.

We are eagerly waiting for Jesus to return. The first time He appeared was for sin. The second time is for salvation.

(Ex 24-40; Lev 16-17; Rev 21:3)

Posted on May 6, 2018 and filed under Hebrews.