Posts tagged #Son

Hebrews 1 :: Have You Heard?


Have you heard? Jesus is better.

Better than what? He is better than whatever you have and whatever you want.

Hebrews begins by establishing that Jesus is better than the Old Testament prophets and He is better than the angels God created.

Jesus is better because He is a Son. What father does not like to talk about his son?

Listen to all that God the Father has spoken about God the Son.

(the video at the beginning of this recording is from

(Matt 17:5; Rev 2:7, 3:21, 5:14; Deut 33:2; Seven OT Quotes: Ps 2:7; 2 Sam 7:14; Deut 32:43 [Sept.][Ps 97:7]; Ps 104:4; Ps 45:6-7; Ps 102:25-27; Ps 110:1)

Posted on February 18, 2018 and filed under Hebrews.