Posts tagged #Sodom

Genesis 19:15-38 :: The Warning


Everyone and everything you know is going to be destroyed.

Escape for your life!

That is a the warning the Bible consistently proclaims from Genesis to Revelation.

Everyone and everything is subject to the repercussions of rebellion against the God who made it all.

In His grace and mercy, He consistently warns those He created in His image: I have provided the way of escape from the punishment that is coming. Escape to My Son, Jesus. Believe in Him. Believe that He came from Me. Believe that He died for all sin. Believe that His death removes you from My wrath towards all sin. Believe that death has no power over Him. Believe that He rose from the grave and has returned to Me. Believe that He is coming again. Believe that when He comes, He will receive all those who believe in Him into Our eternal presence. Believe that when He comes, He will banish all those who do not believe in Him into the eternal lake of fire and brimstone.

We have been warned. We have been shown the way of life and of death.

Escape for your life!

Flee to Jesus.

(Jude 7; 2 Pet 2:6-8; Rev 14:10, 20:10, 21:8; Mat t 10:15, 11:23; 1 John 2:15-17; Luke 17:28-32; Ps 11:6, 75:8; Deut 23:3-6; Ruth 1:4, 4:18-22; Mat t 1:5-6)

Posted on November 4, 2018 and filed under Genesis.

Genesis 18:22-19:14 :: The Judge


God is the Judge.

As Judge, He sees perfectly.

As Judge, He is always righteous and just.

As Judge, He distinguishes between the righteous and the wicked.

As Judge, He delivers the righteous and He destroys the wicked.  

In Genesis, we have seen God as Judge with Adam, Eve, the serpent, Cain, the people of Noah’s age, the people of Babel’s age, and now, with Lot and the people of Sodom.

As Judge, He declares that the people of Sodom are exceedingly wicked and sinful against Him – that their sin is very grave. Here, we are exposed to their violent homosexual desires. Ezekiel 16 reveals not only their abominations, but their pride, fullness, idleness, and injustice. God destroys Sodom.

As Judge, He declares Lot as righteous. God delivers Lot.

However, the people of Sodom left many marks upon Lot and his family.

(Eze 16:49-50; Jer 23:14; Isa 5:7; Ex 3:7, 22:21-23; Ps 146:8-9; Deut 16:18; Lev 18:22-24, 20:13, 23; Rom 1:26-27; 2 Pet 2:6-8; Jude 7)

Posted on October 28, 2018 and filed under Genesis.