Posts tagged #Scattered

Genesis 10:1-11:26 :: The Little Dogs


In Genesis Canaan the son of Ham was cursed.

In the Gospels a woman of Canaan cried out to Jesus for mercy and help.

Jesus called this woman a “little dog” because of who she was by birth. She did not take offense but persisted in her demand in humility, recognizing both who she was and who Jesus is – the Son of David.

Jesus granted her desire in response to what He called her “great faith.”

This account, along with many others, gives us hope that there is deliverance and salvation for “the little dogs” (the Gentile nations) along with “the children” (Israel).

Genesis 10 and 11 accounts for the nations that were divided on the earth after the flood into their lands, languages, and families.

This division and scattering were the result of God’s judgment of man’s repetitious rebellion. Rather than obeying God’s command and blessing to swarm the earth the sons of men sought to make a name for themselves, to build themselves, to ascend into the heavens.

When unified, mankind is capable of great things.

Apart from God, unification results in evil things.

In Jesus Christ, all good things are possible.

(Mark 7:24-30; Mat t 15:21-28; Isa 13-14; Jer 50-51; Rev 17-18; Isa 63:12; Gen 12:2; 2 Sam 7:9; Ac ts 4:12; Ps 14:1; Josh 24:2; Zeph 3)

Posted on August 26, 2018 and filed under Genesis.