Posts tagged #Rain

Zechariah 10 :: Thrive


The major theme of Zechariah seems to focus around what will occur when the LORD of hosts returns.

We can relate this to His presence in our lives today and our great anticipation of the soon return of Jesus Christ as King of kings and Lord of lords.

In chapter 10, Zechariah’s prophecy focuses on the future restoration of Judah and Israel. This chapter is setup by the last verse of chapter 9: “Grain shall make the young men THRIVE, and new wine the young women.”

For one to enjoy bread and wine the crop must have produced its fruit. For a crop to produce its fruit it must be watered. Therefore, God tells us to ask Him for rain.

Ask Him, in faith, to provide all that is necessary for His desired fruit to be produced in your life.

May you THRIVE in His presence!

Posted on January 14, 2018 and filed under Zechariah.

Zechariah 9:1-10:1 :: Prisoners of Hope


Your King is coming to you!

This truth may strike fear or joy. 

"Return to Me," says the LORD, "and I will return to you."

Seek God today. Ask Him to revive your life - to revive your relationship with Him. He is passionately in love with you. His heart is wide open to you. Open your heart wide open to Him. Ask Him for rain - to refresh your mind and to awaken the seeds He has planted in your heart.

Through faith in Jesus Christ, our Father has freed us from all prisons and has caused us to be Prisoners of Hope - your King is coming to you! 

Posted on January 7, 2018 and filed under Zechariah.