Posts tagged #Justice

Genesis 18:22-19:14 :: The Judge


God is the Judge.

As Judge, He sees perfectly.

As Judge, He is always righteous and just.

As Judge, He distinguishes between the righteous and the wicked.

As Judge, He delivers the righteous and He destroys the wicked.  

In Genesis, we have seen God as Judge with Adam, Eve, the serpent, Cain, the people of Noah’s age, the people of Babel’s age, and now, with Lot and the people of Sodom.

As Judge, He declares that the people of Sodom are exceedingly wicked and sinful against Him – that their sin is very grave. Here, we are exposed to their violent homosexual desires. Ezekiel 16 reveals not only their abominations, but their pride, fullness, idleness, and injustice. God destroys Sodom.

As Judge, He declares Lot as righteous. God delivers Lot.

However, the people of Sodom left many marks upon Lot and his family.

(Eze 16:49-50; Jer 23:14; Isa 5:7; Ex 3:7, 22:21-23; Ps 146:8-9; Deut 16:18; Lev 18:22-24, 20:13, 23; Rom 1:26-27; 2 Pet 2:6-8; Jude 7)

Posted on October 28, 2018 and filed under Genesis.

Genesis 18:1-21 :: The Way


Jesus of Nazareth declared, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.”

The Way.

Those who believe in Jesus are said to be, “of the Way.” Essentially, we are of Him – we are one with Him, we are in relationship with Him.

The Way is proclaimed to be the way of the LORD, the way of righteousness, the way of peace, the way of salvation, the way of escape, the way of truth, the way into the Holiest of All.

The LORD singled Abraham out to keep, and instruct his descendants to keep, the way of the LORD.

The way of the LORD demands loyalty, trust, obedience, and to look to the LORD’s provision in Jesus, the Way.

(John 14:4-6; Acts 9:2; Matt 3:3, 7:13-14, 10:5, 21:32; Luke 1:79; 1 Cor 10:13; Heb 9:8; 2 Pet 2:2; Rom 4:11; Gen 12:7, 15:6, 18:19, 22:14; Job 31; Ps 33:5)

Posted on October 21, 2018 and filed under Genesis.